Who is Glasgow Warriors? / Wie is die Glasgow Warriors?

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Toyota Cheetahs vs Glasgow Warriors


The Toyota Cheetahs will be taking on the Glasgow Warriors on Friday, 16 February at 21:35 in Glasgow Scotland. The match will be broadcasted live on SuperSport 1.

The team are preparing in for the match in Edinburgh this week and will arrive in Glasgow on Thursday.  

Herewith more information on the opponents.


Who is Glasgow Warriors?


Glasgow Warriors

Glasgow Warriors is een van die groot kragte in Guinness PRO14 en is gereelde aanspraakmakers op die titel.  Hulle is tans bo-aan die punte leer.

Die Skotse span het ‘n aantal internasionale sterre en Britse & Ierse Leeu spelers gelewer, insluitend die Ses Nasie Speler van die Kampioenskap, Stuart Hogg.

Die Warriors het verlede jaar sesde op die punteleer geëindig met 11 wenne en 11 nederlae, maar hulle grootste oomblik was twee jaar gelede toe hulle Munster met 31-13 in die finaal in Belfast gewen het.



Glasgow Warriors is ‘n verlengstuk van die Glasgow Distrik span, wat oorspronklik in 1872 gestig is.  Die span het in die wêreld se eerste inter-distrik wedstryd teen Edinburg gespeel – en die twee spanne ding elke seisoen om die wêreldbekende 1872-beker mee ter herdenking van hierdie spesiale geleentheid.

Glasgow het al teen verskeie groot internasionale spanne, insluitend Nieu-Seeland, Suid-Afrika en Australië gespeel en selfs Fiji in 1989 gewen.  Sewe jaar daarna het die span professioneel geword en hul naam na Glasgow Rugby verander.  Vier jaar later het hulle by die ‘Welsh-Scottish’-liga aangesluit en ‘n jaar daarna by die Celtic liga.

Onder die nuwe dekmantel as Glasgow Warriors, het hulle vinnig een van die vroeë swaargewigte in die Guinness PRO14 geword en elke jaar tot 2016 in die uitspeelrondtes gespeel.



Die slot, Jonny Gray het een van die beste spelers in die noordelike halfrond geword en was ongelukkig om uit te mis op die Britse en Ierse Leeus toer na Nieu-Seeland in 2017.



Met Gregor Townsend wat die span verlaat het om Skotland te brei, het Glasgow die voormalige afrigter van die Chiefs, Dave Rennie gekry om die span vir die 2017/2018 seisoen af te rig. Townsend het in die vyf jaar wat hy afrigter was ‘n uitstekende werk gedoen, en selfs die titel in 2014/15 verower, maar die pos as nasionale afrigter was net te goed om verby te laat gaan.

Rennie was vyf jaar lank die hoofafrigter van die Chiefs waarvan die span in 2012 en 2013 die Super Rugby kampioene was.  Rennie word bygestaan deur Hulpafrigters Jason O’Halloran, Kenny Murray, Jonathan Humphreys en Mike Blair.



As daar na die laaste twee jaar gekyk word, kan Stuart Hogg as een van die beste spelers in die noordelike halfrond gereken word en hy is desperaat om op te maak vir tyd wat hy gemis het weens ‘n besering wat hom uit die Britse en Ierse Leeu-toer gehou het.  Die agtereenvolgende wenner van die Ses Nasie Speler van die Kampioenskap toekenning het oorspronklik sy deurbraak gemaak toe hy vir die Warriors in die 2010/11 seisoen as 18-jarige gespeel het en twee jaar later sy buiging vir Skotland gemaak het.  As veteraan met meer as 100 wedstryde vir die Warriors, het die heelagter ‘n belangrike rol in Glasgow se pad na die 2014/15 titel gespeel.


Speler om dop te hou

George Stokes is ‘n nuwe naam vir baie, maar nadat hy tyd by die Franse span, Toulon spandeer het, kan hy dalk nog vir ‘n paar verrassings sorg hierdie jaar.

Die Skotsman, Stokes het in Spanje grootgeword en is op 18-jarige ouderdom deur Toulon raakgesien.  Drie jaar later bevind die flank homself in Skotland en is gereed om sy merk in Guinness PRO14 te maak.



Die Warriors het oor die laaste 20 jaar baie van tuisveld verander, maar dit blyk of hulle in die Scotstoun-Stadion met sy kunsmatige speeloppervlak, ‘n langtermyn tuiste gevind het.  Die span was oorspronklik in die Hughenden-Stadion van 1996-97 gebaseer maar het ‘n jaar later na Scotstoun geskuif voordat hulle met Cadelon Reds saamgesmelt het.  Firhill-stadion, McDiarmid-park, Rubislaw-speelveld was ook al van hul tuisvelde gewees.


Getting to know Glasgow Warriors

Glasgow Warriors are one of the major forces in the Guinness PRO14 and consistently challenge for the title every season. They are currently the log leaders in Conference A.

The Scottish side have produced a number of international stars and British & Irish Lions players, including back-to-back Six Nations Player of the Championship Stuart Hogg.

The Warriors finished sixth last season with 11 wins and 11 defeats, but their greatest moment came just two years ago when they beat Munster 31-13 to win their first-ever league title.



Glasgow Warriors is a continuation of the Glasgow District side, which first formed in 1872. The team played the world’s first ever inter-district match against Edinburgh – and the two teams compete in the world famous 1872 Cup every season in recognition of that momentous occasion.

A huge fixture for any touring side, Glasgow have faced a number of major international teams – including New Zealand, South Africa and Australia – while they have also beaten Fiji in 1989.

Seven years after that, the club turned professional and became Glasgow Rugby. Four years later they joined the Welsh-Scottish League, and just a year later the Celtic League.

Under the new guise of the Glasgow Warriors, they quickly became one of the early heavyweights in the Guinness PRO14 and reached the play-offs in every season until that streak ended in 2017.

As mentioned above, they won their first silverware in 2015, beating Munster in the final in Belfast.



Lock Jonny Gray has become one of the best players in the northern hemisphere and was unfortunate to miss out on the British & Irish Lions tour to New Zealand this summer.

The 23-year-old replaced Al Kellock in 2015 aged just 21, but as an established Scotland international he took it in his stride.

Last year he was joined by co-captain Henry Pyrgos – an experienced scrum-half – and the pair thrive off one another both on and off the pitch.



With Gregor Townsend departing to take the reins of Scotland, Glasgow have appointed ex-Chiefs boss Dave Rennie to lead them into the 2017/18 season.

Townsend did a sterling job in his five-year stint, which included the title in 2014-15, but the national job was too good an opportunity to turn down.

Rennie spent five years in charge of the Chiefs, leading them to back-to-back Super Rugby titles in 2012 and 2013.

Assistant coaches Jason O’Halloran, Kenny Murray, Jonathan Humphreys and Mike Blair have been in charge of the team in pre-season as the club awaits Rennie’s arrival from the Chiefs.


Star man

Stuart Hogg is one of the best players in the northern hemisphere based on his form for the past two years, and he is desperate to make up for lost time this season after injury ruled him out of the Lions tour.

The back-to-back Six Nations Player of the Championship first broke through into the Warriors team in the 2010-11 season as an 18-year-old and made his Scotland debut two years later.

A veteran of over 100 Warriors appearances, the full-back was instrumental in Glasgow’s march to the 2014-15 title.


Player to watch

George Stokes is a new name to many, but after spending time with French giants Toulon, he could be a surprise candidate to break through this year.

Scotsman Stokes grew up in Spain and was spotted by Toulon as an 18-year-old, but fast-forward three years and the flanker is over in Scotland, looking to make his mark in the Guinness PRO14.

Speedy across the ground and strong in the tackle, Stokes is a physical player but also possesses plenty of ability in the loose.



The Warriors have changed ground multiple times in the last 20 years, but in the Scotstoun Stadium they seem to have found a long-term home.

Originally based at Hughenden Stadium in 1996-97, they moved to Scotstoun a year later before merging with Caledonia Reds.

That took them back to Hughenden Stadium, before spells at Firhill Stadium, McDiarmid Park and Rubislaw Playing Fields.

In 2012, they moved back to Scotstoun and have remained there since, with a new artificial playing surface installed last season.

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