Bulls Injury Update: Greyling, Kirchner could face Cheetahs

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The Vodacom Bulls players Dean Greyling and Zane Kirchner will know after fitness tests on Wednesday if they will be able to play against the Toyota Cheetahs in Bloemfontein on Saturday.

Kirchner has recovered from a finger operation, but is still suffering tenderness following the removal of a screw, whilst Greyling limped off the field during the weekend’s 18-16 win over The Sharks in Durban.

Dewald Potgieter, Akona Ndungane and Louis Fouchè will also only return to the training field on Wednesday following the match.

It was also reported from the Springbok training squad assembly in Durban that Flip van der Merwe and Juandrè Kruger did not train due to niggles, but will remain with the training squad till tomorrow, when all the players return to their franchises.

The long term injury list sees regulars Paul Willemse (8 weeks) and Cornell Hess (6 months) on a long term recovery following knee operations.

Wiaan Liebenberg (AC shoulder, 3 weeks), Travis Ismaiel (shoulder, three weeks) and Frans Venter (groin, two weeks) will be back sooner.



Greyling, Kirchner kan dalk teen Cheetahs speel

Die Vodacom Bulls se Dean Greyling en Zane Kirchner sal Woensdag na ‘n fiksheidstoets weet of hulle vir Saterdag se kragmeting teen die Toyota Cheetahs in Bloemfontein oorweeg gaan word.

Kirchner het herstel na sy vingeroperasie, maar ondervind nog teerheid waar die skroef verlede week verwyder is, terwyl Greyling met ‘n seer enkel  van die veld is tydens die Vodacom Bulls se 18-16 sege oor die Sharks in Durban afgelope naweek.

Dewald Potgieter, Akona Ndungane en Louis Fouchè sal ook eers Woensdag terugkeer oefenveld toe na ligte beserings wat hulle in Durban gekortwiek het.

Daar is ook uit Durban berig dat Flip van der Merwe en Juandrè Kruger  nie geoefen het tydens die Springbokke se oefenkamp vandag nie, maar hulle sal by die span bly tot al die spelers Dinsdag na hulle streke terugkeer.

Die enigste langtermynbeserings bly Paul Willemse (8 weke) en Cornell Hess (6 maande), na hulle onderskeie knie-operasies.

Wiaan Liebenberg (AC skouer, 3 weke), Travis Ismaiel (skouer, 3 weke) en Frans Venter (lies, twee weke) sal gouer na die speelveld terugkeer.


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