Cell C Sharks vs Sunwolves

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Date : Friday, 15 July 2016
Time : 19h00
Venue Growthpoint KINGS PARK
Referee Rasta Rashivhenge
Assistant Referees Cwengile Jadezweni, Archie Sehlako
Television Match Official Marius Jonker


15. Rhyno Smith
14. Odwa Ndungane
13. JP Pietersen (c)
12. Andre Esterhuizen
11. Lwazi Mvovo
10. Garth April
9. Stefan Ungerer
8. Philip van der Walt
7. Tera Mtembu
6. Keegan Daniel
5. Ruan Botha
4. Etienne Oosthuizen
3. Coenie Oosthuizen
2. Chiliboy Ralepelle
1. Thomas du Toit

16. Kyle Cooper
17. Dale Chadwick
18. Lourens Adriaanse
19. Stephan Lewies
20. Jean Deysel
21. Michael Claassens
22. Curwin Bosch / Pat Lambie
23. Heimar Williams



This match will afford the Cell C Sharks the opportunity to celebrate our departing players, each of whose contribution to our franchise has been invaluable. Particular mention needs to be made of a player that has spent more than a decade at this union, JP Pietersen. He leaves as our most capped as well as our leading try scorer in Super Rugby. It is fitting that he leads the team in his final home match, at his beloved Growthpoint KINGS PARK.

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