Daan Human to join #BullsFamily in shared capacity

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Former Springbok prop and current Toyota Cheetahs scrum coach, Daan Human, will be co-opted in the Vodacom Bulls coaching staff in a unique first for South African rugby.

Human will assist the Vodacom Bulls as scrum coach in the Vodacom Super Rugby tournament two days every week, the remainder of the period he will spend with the Toyota Cheetahs in their Guinness PRO14 campaign.

Coach Pote Human expressed his delight at having a man of Human’s calibre at his disposal:  “I firmly believe that Daan will pay a major role in taking us forward.  The great work he has done at the Toyota Cheetahs is obvious to see, and we are looking forward to him joining the #BullsFamily.”

Xander Janse van Rensburg, high performance manager:  “This arrangement is a bold step for rugby in South Africa, and more importantly it shows the willingness of the teams to improve the game in the country.  We must commend the Toyota Cheetahs for their enthusiasm and open-mindedness towards making this possible.”

“The agreement with the Vodacom Bulls is unique in South Africa and for the promotion of the performance of teams in South Africa.  To have a scrum coach like Daan Human in both entities is a positive movement in the interest of rugby.” Said Harold Verster, Managing Director of the Free State Cheetahs (Pty) Ltd.

The Toyota Cheetahs are proud of the expertise that is developed here and the opportunities created, which are valuable for rugby in South Africa and abroad.  Many experts have grown their expertise at Free State Rugby, for example; Rassie Erasmus, Jacques Nienaber, Niel Powell, Brendan Venter, Rory Duncan, Pine Pienaar, Pote Human and also Daan Human, which is now being applied at the highest levels in world rugby. ” Said Franco Smith, Toyota Cheetahs Director of Rugby.


Daan Human se dienste word met Vodacom Bulle gedeel.

As ‘n unieke eerste in Suid-Afrikaanse rugby, sal die dienste van die voormalige Springbok stut en huidige Toyota Cheetahs skrum afrigter, Daan Human, met die Vodacom Bulle gedeel word.

Human sal vir twee dae ‘n week die Vodacom Bulle as skrum afrigter in die Vodacom Super Rugby toernooi bystaan, waarna hy vir die res van die tyd by die Toyota Cheetahs sal wees ter voorbereiding van hul Guinness PRO14 veldtog.

Die afrigter van die Bulle, Pote Human is verheug  om ‘n man van Human se kaliber tot sy beskikking te hê:  “Ek glo vas daarin dat Daan ‘n groot rol sal speel om ons vorentoe te vat.  Die goeie werk wat hy by die Toyota Cheetahs gedoen het is duidelik sigbaar, en ons sien uit daarna om hom in die Bulle se familie te verwelkom.”

Xander Janse van Rensburg, hoë prestasie bestuurder:  “Hierdie ooreenkoms is ‘n groot stap vir rugby in Suid-Afrika, en meer belangrik, dit wys die bereidwilligheid van spanne om die spel in Suid-Afrika te verbeter.  Ons wil die Toyota Cheetahs prys vir hul entoesiasme en openhartigheid om die proses moontlik te maak. ”

“Die samewerkingsooreenkoms met die Vodacom Bulle is uniek aan Suid-Afrika en is ter bevordering van die spel peil van spanne in Suid-Afrika.  Om ‘n skrumafrigter soos Daan Human in beide entitete aan te wend is ‘n positiewe beweging in belang van rugby.”  Het Harold Verster, Besturende Direkteur van die Vrystaat Cheetahs (Edms) Bpk gesê.

“Die Toyota Cheetahs is trots op die kundigheid wat hier ontwikkel word en geleenthede wat hier geskep word, wat baie vir rugby in Suid-Afrika en elders beteken.  Talle deskundiges het hul kundigheid by Vrystaat Rugby opgebou, nl. Rassie Erasmus, Jacques Nienaber, Niel Powell, Brendan Venter, Rory Duncan, Pine Pienaar, Pote Human en ook Daan Human wat nou op die hoogste vlakke in wêreld rugby toegepas word.” Het Franco Smith, Toyota Cheetahs se Direkteur van Rugby gesê.

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