Free State Rugby sympathize with Morning Live and the family of Vuyo Mbuli

May 19 • General News • 4199 Views • Comments Off on Free State Rugby sympathize with Morning Live and the family of Vuyo Mbuli

Die President van die Vrystaatse Rugby-unie, Mnr. Lindsay Mould en Besturende Direkteur van die Vrystaat Cheetahs (Edms.) Bpk. Mnr. Harold Verster, bestuur, personeel en spelers betoon hiermee innige simpatie en medelye met die familie van Vuyo Mbuli en almal by Morning Live.


Ons het groot waardering vir die vinnige optrede van Clini Sport Event Emergency Care en Drs. Jan Marias en Jaco Neser wat onmiddellik daar was om hom te help.


Vuyo Mbuli was ‘n aanbieder van die program Morning Live op SABC en was Saterdagaand ‘n gas in die Presidentlosie in die Vrystaat-stadion waar hy na die Vodacom Super Rugby wedstryd tussen die Toyota Cheetahs en Red gekyk het toe hy flou geword het.  Nadat hy op toneel behandel is, is hy is na die Bloemfontein Medi-Clinic gehaas waar hy skynbaar aan ‘n hartaanval oorlede is.


Ons wens sy familie sterkte toe in hierdie moeilike tyd.


Free State Rugby sympathize with Morning Live and the family of Vuyo Mbuli


The President of the Free State Rugby Union, Mr. Lindsay Mould and Managing Director of the Free State Cheetahs (Pty) Ltd., Mr. Harold Verster, management, staff and players herewith convey our deepest sympathy and condolences to the family of Vuyo Mbuli and everyone at Morning Live.


We greatly appreciate the quick response of Clini Sport Event Emergency Care and Drs. Jan Marais and Jaco Neser who were there immediately to help him.


Vuyo Mbuli was a host of Morning Live on SABC and on Saturday night he was a guest in the Presidential Suite at the Free State Stadium where he watched the Vodacom Super Rugby match between Toyota Cheetahs and Red when he fainted. After being treated on scene, he was rushed to the Bloemfontein Medi-Clinic where he apparently died of a heart attack.


We wish his family the best in this difficult time.

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