Feb 13 • General News, Super Rugby • 1505 Views • Comments Off on NIC STIRZAKER CITED

Player: Nic Stirzaker
Team: Rebels
Position: Scrumhalf
Date of Incident: 13 February 2015
Nature of Offence: 10.4 (b) Stamping or trampling. A player must not stamp or trampled an opponent.
Elapsed time in match when incident occurred: 3rd minute

Nic Stirzaker of the Rebels has been cited for alleged foul play during a Super Rugby match at the weekend.

Striker is alleged to have contravened 10.4 (b) Stamping or trampling during the match between the Crusaders and Rebels at AMI Stadium in Christchurch on 13 February 2015.

The referee for the match, Nick Briant, issued a yellow card for the incident which occurred in the 3rd minute.

Upon further review of the match footage, the Citing Commissioner deemed in his opinion the incident had met the red card threshold for foul play.

The citing is to be considered in the first instance by SANZAR Duty Judicial Officer Nicholas Davidson QC.

All SANZAR disciplinary matters are in the first instance referred to a Duty Judicial Officer hearing to provide the option of expediting the judicial process.

For a matter to be dispensed with at this hearing, the person appearing must plead guilty and accept the penalty offered by the DJO.

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