Mar 3 • General News, South Africa • 3040 Views • Comments Off on POWERADE INSPIRES EVERYDAY ATHLETES TO TRAIN LIKE OLYMPIANS #PowerThrough

The Olympic Games is without a doubt the pinnacle of world sport and the peak of any athlete’s career.  Powerade, as the official sports drink of the 2016 Olympic Games, will be giving everyday sportsmen and women a taste of what it takes to train like a professional in 2016 through the Powerade Train Like an Olympian campaign.  The campaign kicks off at the 2016 Cape Town Cycle Tour and will move onto the new Cape Argus Sport Show and the Old Mutual Two Oceans Marathon.  Powerade will be giving all race participants and expo goers at each event the opportunity to experience elements of an Olympic style training assessment from some of the country’s top training specialists.


Just like Olympians, all sportsmen and women have the desire to continually improve their performance and to achieve their personal goals.  However, average sportsmen and sportswomen only have limited access to professional training information and the exercise science which could take their performance to the next level.


James MacLachlan, IMC Marketing Assets Manager of Coca-Cola Southern Africa, comments, “In celebrating Powerade’s involvement in the 2016 Olympic Games, we want to empower born sportsmen by giving them the tools to outperform themselves and to be their own Olympians.  This is why this year we have launched Powerade Train Like an Olympian.”


Participants will not only leave with invaluable insights into their current technique and tips to improve their training but they will go into a draw to participate in the Powerade Train Like an Olympian Academy.  The Academy will take place during the 2016 Olympic Games and will give the lucky winners the opportunity to take part in a full day training workshop, giving them the chance to compare themselves to the most elite athletes in the world and an opportunity to improve themselves as Olympians do.


“Every day we see sportsmen and women with the will to put in the time, energy and training to improve their performance.  As one of the world’s most innovative sports drink brands we want to reward these sportspeople with access to world’s most advanced training assessments,” continued MacLachlan.


To stand a chance to participate in the Powerade Train Like an Olympian Academy, get down to either the Cape Town Cycle Tour or Old Mutual Two Oceans Marathon pre-race expos, or the Cape Argus Sport Show and visit the Powerade stand.


For more information follow #PowerThrough on Twitter.

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