Rugby on wheels: Part 2

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Rugby on Wheels part 2 1

It’s been a few weeks since we introduced you to the extreme sport of Wheelchair Rugby in this article:

Shortly before the introduction, I had the pleasure of attending a tournament held in Pretoria between three of SA’s top Wheelchair Rugby teams:

Tuks from Pretoria,
G4B from Johannesburg, and
Bullfrogs from East London

Matches were played at the Pilditch Sport Centre for the disabled on 26 June.

Teams faced each other once during the day, in matches that will be remembered for massive collisions, great skills and great sportsmanship between players.

The Bullfrogs from East London were simply too strong for the other two teams and convincingly beat G4B from Johannesburg before putting in another good performance against Tuks from Pretoria.

In the first match of the day G4B claimed victory against a very young and inexperienced Tuks side.

In the second round of matches the same teams battled it out at the Hudson Park High School in East London on 17 July.

Again, the Bullfrogs went unbeaten as they first beat G4B 44-38 and then went on to beat Tuks 48-37.

A much improved Tuks side got revenge against G4B for the loss in Pretoria when they beat them 45-39.

Rugby on Wheels part 2 2

Team Tuks: Seated L to R: Victor Buitendach, Yolande Oosthuisen, Bennie Dorfling, Louis Nieuwenhout, Ben Kruger Back: Cobus van Zyl(Coach), Yvette van der Westhuizen(Manager)

Team Tuks: Seated L to R: Victor Buitendach, Yolande Oosthuisen, Bennie Dorfling, Louis Nieuwenhout, Ben Kruger Back: Cobus van Zyl(Coach), Yvette van der Westhuizen(Manager)

Team Bullfrogs: Seated L to R: Billy Giessenberg, Glenn McConnachie, Harry Mongie, Peter-John Truter, Koos Jacobs, Relly Zondani Back: Hennie Meyer(Coach), Lindie Smit, Juanita Mongie

Team Bullfrogs: Seated L to R: Billy Giessenberg, Glenn McConnachie, Harry Mongie, Peter-John Truter, Koos Jacobs, Relly Zondani Back: Hennie Meyer(Coach), Lindie Smit, Juanita Mongie

The Bullfrogs have a handsome lead going into the third round of matches that will be played on 21 August, at the Tuks Groenkloof Campus in Pretoria.

Everybody is welcome and can contact Yvette van der Westhuizen from Tuks Wheelchair Rugby for any further details on or 082 841 5323.

**In the next edition of Rugby on Wheels, I interview National coach Jaco Dorfling and ask him about the sport in South Africa and the rest of the world and of course about the Springboks on Wheels.

[Article by James Loretz for] []

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