Springbok medical update – Coenie Oosthuizen

Aug 31 • General News • 730 Views • Comments Off on Springbok medical update – Coenie Oosthuizen

Springbok prop Coenie Oosthuizen underwent a scan on Tuesday in Durban to examine the rib injury he sustained in the Springbok victory over the Pumas in Argentina on Saturday. The scan revealed no fracture.

Oosthuizen will therefore join the Springbok group when it reassembles in Johannesburg on Friday. Dr Konrad von Hagen, the Springboks’ team doctor, has confirmed however that the front ranker will only be considered for selection for the test against Australia on 9 September in Perth if his pain and discomfort settles sufficiently. The following week the Springboks play New Zealand in North Harbour.


Issued by SA Rugby Communications

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