Springbok Sevens Players produced by Grey College 1993-2014

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Chris Dry



Grey College has produced 16 Springbok Sevens players to date.

Ruben Kruger (1993 – 1994)

Ruben was already a Springbok rugby player when he was selected for the Springbok Sevens team that played in the famous Hong Kong tournament in 1993. He also played in the Sevens World Cup in the same year, as well as the Hong Kong tournament in 1994. Ruben went on to become one of the real legends in SA rugby between 1993 and 1999.


Nico Venter (1998)

Nico matriculated in 1994 and played first team rugby for two years. After school he moved to East London and played numerous matches for Border. He was selected for the Springbok Sevens team for the popular Hong Kong tournament in 1998 (there was no world series then). His brother, Hugo, also played for the Grey first team and was selected for the SA Schools team in 1991.


Gerrie “Ghost” Britz (2001)

Gerrie het in 1996 gematrikuleer en vir die Eerstes, die Vrystaat Cravenweek span en die SA Akademiespan gespeel. Hy het sy senior provinsiale debuut vir die Vrystaat in 1999 gemaak en van 2005 – 2007 vir die WP gespeel. Hy en sy mede Oud-Grey, Barry Jacobsz is in 2001 vir die Springbok Sewes gekies en Gerrie het in vier toernooie in die reeks gespeel.


Barry Jacobsz (2001) 

Barry matriculated in 1996 and played for the first team and the Free State Craven Week side as a flanker. He made his first class debut in 1999 and played provincial rugby for the Cheethas and the SWD Eagles. He was selected for the Springbok Sevens team, together with “Ghost” Britz in 2001 and played in the tournament in Japan. Barry also represented the SA Students in 2000.


Hanru Haupt (2003)

Hanru het in 2000 gematrikuleer en in 2003 sy senior provinsiale debuut vir die Cheethas gemaak en in 6 wedstryde gespeel. Vroeg in dieselfde jaar is hy vir die Springbok Sewes span gekies en het in twee toernooie (Australië en Nieu-Seeland) gespeel. Hanru het in dieselfde jaar ook vir die SA /21-span gespeel.


Heinrich Brüssow (2006)

Heinrich het in 2006 aan twee toernooie (Hong Kong & Singapoer) vir die Sewes ‘Bokke deelgeneem en in 2008 – 2009 ‘n gereelde lid van die Springbokspan (15 man) geword.


Joe Pietersen (2006)

After completing matric in 2002, Joe, as he is better known, joined the University of Stellenbosch. He made his debut for WP in 2004 and up to 2009, when he went to France, had played in 57 matches for them, as well as 11 Super 14 games for the Stormers. At the end of ’06 he played in two tournaments for the Springbok Sevens in the World Series. Since 2010 Joe has played in France for Bayonne.


Andries Strauss (2007)

Provincial rugby for the Cheetahs and the Sharks from 2004 – 2011. Springbok rugby in 2010. Represented the Springbok Sevens team in 2007 in two tournaments in the World Series.


Robert Ebershon (2008)

Robert matriculated in 2007 with his twin brother, Sias. In his matric year he was selected at centre for the SA Schools team, while Sias played fly half for the SA Academy side. He made his senior debut for the Cheethas in 2008 and was appointed as the SA Young Player of the Year. At the end of the ’08 season, Robert decided to concentrate on the sevens code for the upcoming World Series. He played in nine of the tournaments in a series which SA won for the first time. His fellow Old Grey, Philip Snyman, shared in the glory. After that success, he returned to the 15 man-code and is a permanent fixture in the Cheetha side and by 2010 had already played in 37 provincial matches, as well as 10 Super 14 matches. As a result of injuries, Robert unselfishly made himself available for the first leg of the 2011/’12 Sevens Series. His brother, Sias, is also part of the Cheetha set-up.


Philip Snyman (2008)

Ná matriek, in 2006, het Philip sy senior debuut vir die Griffons as ‘n leenspeler gemaak en tot 2010 het hy in 6 wedstryde vir die Griffons en 39 wedstryde vir die Cheethas gespeel. Hy het soos Robert Ebersohn aan die einde van 2008 besluit om op die Sewes-kode te konsentreer. Hy het in al die toernooie in ’07/’08-reeks gespeel, ‘n reeks wat die Sewes-bokke vir die eerste keer gewen het. Sedert 2010 was Philip ‘n gereelde lid van die Cheethas se Curriebekerspan en het in 2011 ook begin Super 15-rugby speel.


Chris Dry (2010)

Chris matriculated in 2006 and went to the Central University of Technology where he immediately won the selection to the First rugby team. He made his first class debut for the Cheethas in 2009, playing in one match. In 2010 he decided to concentrate on sevens rugby and that paid handsome dividends when he was selected to the ‘Bok Sevens squad for the whole World Series, playing in most of the tournaments. He continued this success when he was selected for the 2011, as well as the 2011/ ’12 series.


JW Jonker (2010)

JW het 2005 gematrikuleer en was skoolkaptein en die Eerstespan rugbykaptein en ‘n provinsiale atleet. Hy het sy debuut vir die Cheethas in 2006 gemaak en gedeel in daardie jaar en 2007 se Curriebeker-glorie. Hy het in ’07 ook vir die SA Studentespan gespeel. Teen die einde van 2010 het JW reeds in 65 wedstryde vir die Cheethas gespeel, asook in 16 Super 14- wedstryde. Hy het in 2010 besluit om op die Seweskode te konsentreer en in die hele reeks gespeel. Hy het hom in 2011 by die Pumas (SO-Tvl) aangesluit.


JG “Boom” Prinsloo (2010)

Boom het in 2007 gematrikuleer en sy provinsiale debuut vir die die Cheethas se Vodacombekerspan in 2010 gemaak, nadat hy die Speler van die Reeks in die Varsitybeker was. Hy is deur die Springbok Sewes se afrigter nadergetrek en het in die tweede deel van die Wêreldreeks gespeel. Hy is weer in 2011 in die span ingesluit, asook die 2011/ ’12 reeks.


Paul “Tollie” Jordaan (2011)

Paul matriculated in 2010 and at the end of that year was straight away included in the Springbok Sevens practice group. After an injury to one of the key players, he was included in the side proper and played in three of the opening tournaments in 2011. He made an immediate impact and became a fixture in the team. He was also included in the SA /20 team for the 2011 World Championship in the 15-man code.


William Small-Smith (2011)

William played for and captained the SA Schools rugby team in 2010. He was contracted by the SA Sevens coach at the end of that year. When Paul Jordaan was selected for the SA /20 rugby team in 2011, William was selected to take his place for the last two Sevens tournaments in 2011. He was also selected for the 2011/ ’12 series.


Ruwellyn Isbell (2013)

Ruwellyn matriculated in 2011.



Information compiled & edited by Nelio de Sa Twitter @NelioDeSa

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