Supporters warned to beware of rugby fraudster

Jun 21 • General News, International, National • 1889 Views • Comments Off on Supporters warned to beware of rugby fraudster

The South African Rugby Union (SARU) has asked media to assist in alerting people to the activities of an investment conman, claiming to represent the South African Rugby Union (SARU).

The email fraudster offers investment returns of 130% to 150% for five-day deposits. SARU wishes to state categorically that they are in no way involved in any such scheme.

The email – which comes from a domain – says: “The South African Springboks has [sic] made considerable progress and improvement, and we would have not been able to achieve this [sic] great heights without the help and support of our fans and supporters.

“We have therefore decided to give back to our fans and supporters by introducing: GET 130% – 150% RETURN IN 5 DAYS INVESTMENT.”

The mail is signed “Mr. Felix Mkhize”, who provides an email address and fax number.

“This is not a SARU promotion and anyone who receives such a mail should simply delete it,” said Andy Colquhoun, GM Corporate Affairs at SARU.  “SARU is not a financial services provider and does not run any promotions or competitions that involve cash.

“This has been brought to our attention by an alert rugby supporter and we are forwarding the information we have to the South African Police Services.”

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