Technology an important ingredient in a winning rugby recipe

Feb 1 • General News • 1807 Views • Comments Off on Technology an important ingredient in a winning rugby recipe

Technology an important ingredient in a winning rugby recipe!

We all agree that technology will never replace the traditional values of guts, commitment, supreme physical conditioning and raw talent. Technology is however making a significant contribution to another important ingredient in a winning rugby recipe –professional and good coaching!

Modern rugby coaches agree on the need to use all the tools available in improving player conditioning and team performance. The role of technology in player and team analysis has become very important in the last few years and every winning team now spend much time in analysing their own performance and that of the opposition!

Do we have the fact to back this argument? Most definitely – we need look no further than the contribution made by Verusco Technologies! We would like to share some of these facts with you:

  • Verusco has been supplying Super Rugby teams with TryMaker since the year 2000. 
  • In those nine years the champion team was a Verusco client seven times! 
  • In the last four years 13 out of the 16 teams that made the semis were using TryMaker.

We would like to provide a brief description of one of these products – Trymaker Pro:

“TryMaker Pro is the most advanced analysis system built just for Rugby, and it is the preferred system for the professional teams using Verusco products. The Verusco Coding Centre codes all the games for these teams and delivers high detail high speed analysis within hours of the game being played. TryMaker Pro is suited to professional competitions with televised games.”

Through and we will provide more insight to the rugby enthusiast as to how the rugby coaches are using technology to improve player and team performance. This technology will continue to assist both the experienced rugby coach, but though Rugby15 and also open doors to a new and improved rugby experience for the rugby enthusiast!!


Cheetahs 1

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