Toyota Vrystaat Cheetahs vs. Xerox Goue Leeus, / Media Release: Toyota Free State Cheetahs vs Xerox Golden Lions

Oct 9 • General News • 4861 Views • Comments Off on Toyota Vrystaat Cheetahs vs. Xerox Goue Leeus, / Media Release: Toyota Free State Cheetahs vs Xerox Golden Lions

Die Toyota Cheetahs sal Saterdag met die beste beskikbare span speel teen die Xerox Goue Leeus in Rondte 12 van die Curriebeker kompetisie. Neem kennis dat die Guinness PRO14 tans op ʼn twee weke Europese breek is en hervat sal word op die 28ste Oktober 2017.

Ons visie en doelwit is steeds om die Curriebeker in die Vrystaat te hou, daarom sal elke wedstryd van hier af benader en gespeel word as ʼn potensiele finaal.
Alhoewel sommige spelers baie rugby oor die laaste tydperk gespeel het, insluitend SuperRugby, Curriebeker en nou ook Guinness PRO14, is die verdediging van die Curriebeker van uiterse belang.
Soos verwag in hierdie stadium van die kompetisie is daar spelers met ligte beserings. Hierdie spelers sal medies ondersoek word en na evaluasie tyd gegun word om te herstel.

Die volle afrigtings struktuur sal beheer neem oor die Curriebeker-span se voorbereiding. Die struktuur sluit in Franco Smith (Direkteur van Rugby), Rory Duncan (Hoofafrigter) bygestaan deur
Corniel van Zyl, Daan Human, Charl Strydom en Dave Williams.

Die verdediging van die Curriebeker is nou prioriteit.


Toyota Cheetahs will play the best available team against the Xerox Golden Lions at Emirates Airline Park, in Round 12 of the Currie Cup 2017, this coming Saturday. Note that the Guinness Pro14 is currently on a two-week European break to resume again on the 28 October 2017.

Our vision and objective is still to keep the Currie Cup in the Free State, and therefore, each and every match from now on will be seen and played as a potential final.

Even though some players have played a substantial amount of rugby through Super Rugby, Currie Cup and now Guinness Pro14 the defence of the Currie Cup remains paramount. As expected there might be a few niggles at this stage in the competition, and these players will be assessed and given an opportunity to recover.

Our full coaching structure will take charge of the Currie Cup team in preparation for the upcoming match. The structure includes Franco Smith as Director of Rugby, Rory Duncan as Head Coach assisted by Corniel van Zyl, Daan Human, Charl Strydom, Dave Williams.

It is all systems go for the current Currie Cup Champions in defending our title.


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